VOMP - a dance company by Gunilla Lind creates hyper-tactile and visually distorted theatre spaces that reflect on current societal issues. Here, our imagination is activated and set free in an alternative world that is both frightening and seductive.

With oversized shapes, sensuous materials, saturated colors, and alluring creatures, VOMP questions the society we live in. What are we exposing our bodies and minds to? And who holds the power? The works blend elements of dance performance, music video, and art installation, referencing to pop culture - from internet aesthetics and comics to high fashion and MTV. Movements and genres are shuffled and sampled into a physical language that draws from contemporary dance, physical theatre, catwalks, and video games.

The dancers' bodies and movements are either exaggerated or constrained by the wild, beautiful, and grotesque costumes that transform them. Music plays a central role - both as a generator of movement and as a key to immersing the audience in the new world they are drawn into, a world that it feels almost unbearable not to be able to touch - just for a moment! VOMP aims to make dance accessible to everyone by performing on stages that do not usually present dance performances. VOMP's performances are for everyone - even those who have never experienced dance before. The company was founded in 2016 by choreographer and artistic director Gunilla Lind, along with creative producer Shuli Nordbek. The company debuted with the successful dance performance VANITY OF MODERN PANIC - V.O.M.P. Since then, the company has created four works and has toured internationally at Kampnagel (Germany), Skånes Dansteater (Sweden), Plartforma Festival (Lithuania), and at The Royal Theatre, Skuespilhuset (Denmark) among other places. In 2024, the company was awarded 'Dance Performance of the Year' at the prestigious National Danish Theatre Awards, Reumert, for IT'S SO CUTE I'M GONNA DIE. VOMP is also accepted to the Danish Arts Foundation's career program, The Young Artistic Elite.Dansernes kroppe og bevægelser bliver udvidede eller begrænsede af de vilde, smukke og groteske kostumer, der transformerer dem. Musikken spiller en omsluttende rolle - både som bevægelsesgenerator, og som medvirkende til publikums fornemmelse af den nye verden, man bliver en del af, og som det føles næsten uudholdeligt ikke at måtte røre ved - bare et øjeblik. VOMP ønsker at gøre dansen tilgængelig for alle ved også at producere på de scener, der ikke normalt præsenterer dans. VOMP’s forestillinger er for alle – også dem, der aldrig har mødt dansen før. Kompagniet blev stiftet i 2016 af koreograf og kunstnerisk leder, Gunilla Lind og kreativ producent Shuli Nordbek. I kernen af VOMP er også danser og dramaturg, Josefine Ibsen. Kompagniet debuterede med succesforestillingen VANITY OF MODERN PANIC –V.O.M.P., der undersøgte vores samfunds ekstreme skønhedsdyrkelse. Siden har kompagniet skabt 4 værker og har bl.a. turneret på Kampnagel (DE), Skånes Dansteater (SE), Plartforma Festival (LT) og på Det Kongelige Teater, Skuespilhuset (DK). I 2024 modtog kompagniet en Reumert for IT’S SO CUTE I’M GONNA DIE i kategorien Årets Danseforestilling. VOMP er optaget i Statens Kunstfonds karriereprogram, Den unge kunstneriske elite.This is some text inside of a div block.


Choreographer and Artistic Director
Gunilla is an autodidact choreographer. She debuted in 2017 with VANITY OF MODERN PANIC - V.O.M.P., for which she received a Reumert Talent Award. In 2019 The Bikuben Foundation has appointed Gunilla to the foundation’s effort, ARTISTIC PRACTICE that aims to strengthen Danish artists' opportunity for an international breakthrough. She has also been working as a choreographer and movement consultant on performances such as Pamela and Work Bitch by AKT 1, BJÖRK by Holstebro Dansekompagni, and she is part of the artist collective Ruby Gamache. gunilla@vomp.dk


Creative producer
Shuli holds an MA in Modern Culture Studies and Dance Science from The University of Copenhagen (2013). In addition, she is a dancer who studied at Ecole de Formation de Danse Professionelle Kim Kan, Paris and Varium - Espai de Moviment, Barcelona. In 2012 she was a part of Kibbutz Contemporary Dance Company's international programme. Shuli has been a dancer in VOMP since the establishment of the company in 2016. shuli@vomp.dk/ +45 21945702


Josefine graduated as a dancer from Iwanson International School of Contemporary Dance (2013) and she also holds a BA in Theatre and Performance Studies from the University of Copenhagen (2019). josefine@vomp.dk
VOMP dansekompagni